Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Shorn Testimony

Shorn Testimony
Jan 2016: I went berserk when I first recalled the theft of this sketch by Saturday Night Live.

(A harem. A harem guard drools with delight as he massages a woman. A buzzer sounds.)

Woman: Sabu?

Harem Guard 1: Yes?

Woman: It's lunchtime. Off you go!

Harem Guard 1: That's all right. I had a big breakfast.


Harem Guard 1: As the lady wishes. (He reluctantly turns and exits, re-entering in the lunch room, where he meets another guard.)

Harem Guard 2: Hi, Sabu.

Harem Guard 1: Hi, Babeer. Wow, this is the best job I've ever had. I can't believe how they let us touch those women!

Harem Guard 2: You mean you enjoy that?

Harem Guard 1: Of course! Don't you?

Harem Guard 2: No, I swore an oath to resist that pleasure. Didn't you?

Harem Guard 1: Yeah, but so what? It's just an oath.

Harem Guard 2: I'd take it seriously when you swear by your testes.

Harem Guard 1: Ah, it's just a silly bunch of words! Excuse me, I need to visit the washroom. (He exits behind an adjoining door and his shriek of horror follows, startling his work mate.)
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© 2007, 2014. Scripts by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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